CEE 5314: River Mechanics & Sediment Transport
This course focuses on physical processes related to the dynamic feedback between flowing water and movable sediment in rivers and estuaries. The course first looks at the watershed system as a whole and then narrows down to focus on the coupling of the within channel water and sediment system. Both theory and engineering calculations will be covered. Image: Sand wave moving through a gravel bed river in the mountains of Malaysia. Syllabus: CEE5314. Next Offering: Spring 2023.

CEE 5304: Environmental Fluid Mechanics
This course focuses on the transport of mass and momentum in natural fluid systems. It is designed as an entry-level graduate course in fluid mechanics for students studying in engineering and earth science disciplines. The first two thirds of the course are devoted to developing a foundation in basic incompressible fluid mechanics with an emphasis on turbulent channel flow. The last third of the course deals with transport of scalar quantities in rivers and unstratified plumes. The course touches on experimental methods and flows driven by density gradients. Image: LIF Visualization Of A Turbulent Jet by C. Fukushima and J. Westerweel Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands; image taken from the eFluids Gallery of Images. Syllabus: CEE5304 (old). Next Offering: Fall 2022

CEE 4324/5384: Open Channel Flow & Advanced Open Channel Flow
This course covers the basic mechanics of open channel flow. Topics covered include: energy and momentum principles, uniform flow, gradually varied flow, channel transitions, and unsteady flow. In all cases, we will first examine the physics and resulting governing equations of the application of interest, and then look at solution methods and practical calculations. Those taking the graduate listing of the course will have an additional independent project they must complete. Image: Google Earth image of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers at the Old River Control structures; flow is from top to bottom (more information on this section of the river). Syllabus: CEE4324/5384 (old). Next Offering: Fall 2022.

CEE 5984: Modeling of Environmental Flows
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to different ways in which flow and transport processes can be modeled in natural environments and to give students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with coding and use of software such as HEC-RAS and Delft3D. The course is designed to give students a basic understanding of numerical approaches to modeling rivers and estuaries, and to expose students to different levels of model resolution and capabilities. The first half of the course covers basic finite difference theory applied to simple ODE and PDE settings with an emphasis on hands-on coding of simple flow and transport situations. The second half of the course focuses on modeling more complex environments with open-source or freely available computational resources. There are no graduate-level prerequisites for the course. However the course material will assume that students are familiar with the differential forms of the equations of motion and transport. Syllabus: CEE 5984 (old). Next Offering: This course material will be offered under a new course title in the future.

CEE 3304: Fluid Mechanics for CEE
An introductory course in fluid mechanics. This is a core undergraduate course. Topics covered in the course includes: hydrostatics, fluid kinematics; continuity, momentum, and energy equations; viscous effects; application to pipe networks and hydraulic systems, including open channels. Laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Image: image from the cover of Munson et al. (2013), Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Syllabus: CEE3304. Next Offering: this class if offered every semester in the department.