Mohamad Rouhnia Defends PhD
Mohamad Rouhnia successfully defended is PhD dissertation this past August! The title of his work is: Vertical transport of sediment from muddy buoyant river pl...
Mohamad Rouhnia successfully defended is PhD dissertation this past August! The title of his work is: Vertical transport of sediment from muddy buoyant river pl...
I had the chance to attend River Flow in St. Louis this past summer for the first time since 2002, when it was held at the Université catholique de Louvain in B...
Congratulations to Rachel Kuprenas, who was recently awarded a Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship! The funding will support her PhD and allow her t...
We had a good time at the ASCE/EWRI 2016 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress in West Palm Beach this past May. It was good to see friends and col...
Our paper on flocs in a decaying turbulent shear field, similar to what a packet of mud might experience in a river mouth plume, was recently published in JGR O...
Nilay Iscen has started running a new set of fan experiments. The time lapse video below highlights channel extension, filling, and avulsion under two different...
MS student Christian Mooneyham started running a new set of experiments on the deposition of mud. The experiments will take place over this fall, but during a f...
Group highlights from AGU: Former student Paul Hamilton gave an invited talk on, One-Dimensional Hydraulic Theory Applied to Experimental Subaqueous Fans with S...
The first phase of the fan and delta tank installation is complete.
Mohamad’s paper on settling-driven gravitational instabilities at the interface of a freshwater sediment layer and clear saltwater was accepted for public...
Duc Tran passed his PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations Duc.
Rachel Kuprenas, Nilay İşcen, and Christian Mooneyham all joined the group for the start of the fall semester.